Thursday, September 25, 2008


It has been a while since I have updated my BLOG. Its not that I haven't been doing anything, thought I haven't been doing much but work. I just haven't had time to photograph and process what I have been working on. I continue to work on my nephews Baseball album. Here are a couple of more pages that I have finished. I actually got two others completed as well but I don't want to bore you with everything.

This project has really been a challenge. There is so much print info that working to get the pages so that they are interesting and appealing to look at as well as memorializing the information is something thst really needs to be worked at. So far I am happy with how the pages are turning out. I hope my sister will be as pleased. At this point I have three months completed and have 7 more to go plus some miscellaneous items. Definitely more work needs to be done.

I have made a few cards during this interval on no posting. I will get them up tomorrow.

We are now officially into Fall and so Thanksgiving cards are on my planning table. I know a lot of people do Halloween, but I don't so I get to skip that holiday. After Thanksgiving, oh my gosh, it will be right into Christmas.

Along with my stamping and quilting I have a new fun project I'm working on. I will have a photo of it soon.....SOCKS! I've been afraid of them for years, but they are so much fun. I am almost done with my frst one. And of course when you have one you MUST do it's mate!


Christi Flores said...

Your pages are fantastic Suzanne!!! I hope things slow down for you soon!

Teresa said...

The scrap pages look GREAT!!!!

I know about that "busy" stuff- this is the first time all week that I've been able to check out all my blogs. I've missed reading about everyone!

No Thanksgiving cards here- straight to Christmas! I have too much trouble getting them done to think about Thanksgiving.

You are a WHIZ with all you do!